
[S2]11月末オックスフォードでの『Endeavour/新米刑事モース』S2撮影記事 - The Oxford Times

先日、オックスフォードのメインストリートに1960年代仕様のバスが走って、『Endeavour/新米刑事モース~オックスフォード事件簿~』シリーズ2の撮影をしていることをご紹介しましたが(詳しくはこちらの記事)、The Oxford Timesにも記事が出ていました。

A TOUCH of the 1960s hit Oxford’s streets yesterday as filming continued for the second series of Endeavour.

Vintage police cars and ambulances were spotted by passers-by as filming continued into the night.

The ITV series was being filmed in places such as Merton Street, King Edward Street, and in the evening at Oriel Square.

In September, scenes of a falling man were shot at an Oxford college in Brasenose Lane.

Merton College lodge porter Tony Richardson said: “They turned up around 10am and they have been going to a variety of different venues.

“Outside here there have been old police cars racing up and down. There have been a lot of old cars in the street.”

It is thought filming will continue in the city centre today.

The Oxford Times:Filming takes Morse back to his 60s roots



S1とプリクエル(日本放送でいうCase1-Case5)のロケ地で、既に回ったところは順次ロケ地巡りレポとして記事にしています。まだ完成していませんがご興味のある方はこちらからどうぞ→Endeavour ロケ地めぐり

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